A New Year, A New Focus

Choosing an overarching focus for a period of time is a helpful way to be intentional about an area that you want to seek or improve upon. You may use the word as a filter through which you make decisions or prioritize time or tasks. 

A focus word is not really a goal—something to be achieved—but it can be an area of growth and progress. It may be a value, an ideal or an area of weakness.

I like choosing a focus word that I can find a related Bible verse for because I feel like I will be less likely to be led astray by my own selfish desires. I want to be wise and follow God’s purpose for me, and setting a word with a related verse helps me center my focus on God.

You may choose a focus word that doesn’t have a Bible verse that ties to it, and that’s ok. You may choose a phrase or quote to focus on instead of one word. There is no exact right way to do this. 

Tips for setting a focus word


Ask God to give you wisdom. Ask him what area he would like you to grow in or prioritize this year. You may or may not understand the word he reveals to you, but if you hear from him, go with it.

-Make a list

Take a few quiet minutes to sit in stillness and think about all of the possible areas that you might be interested in focusing on this year. What do you struggle with? What do you need more of in this season? 


If you have prayed, listen for guidance. What songs pop up in your mind? What ideas or Bible verses come up in sermons, podcasts, or conversations?

-Consider areas of weakness

What areas of life do you feel need more attention, but you have not made a priority? Maybe you have failed at something in the past, but want to become better at. 

-Think about what matters most

Who do you want to be in 10 years? How do you want to be remembered? What matters most to you right now?

-Think about Bible verses that are meaningful to you

Why are they meaningful? Is there a keyword in the verse that you are drawn to?

Tips for actually focusing on your word and verse

In 2019, my first ever focus word was “serve.” I did not choose a Bible verse to accompany the word. I’m don’t think I prayed for guidance. Basically, I wrote the word in my goal planner with a sincere heart to want to improve in this area, but didn’t implement a plan for following through or changing any behavior. Subsequently, I was not focused on serving in any noticeable way. 

There are a few things you can do to keep your focus.

-Set up visual reminders

  • Change your phone lock screen or computer sleep screen to include the word or verse.
  • Change your login password to some version of your word (ex. J0y2021!) or the first letters of your verse (ex. FGs1tw for John 3:16).
  • Wear something with your word. Inscribe it on a ring or a watch, or buy a necklace or bracelet with the word on it.
  • Buy or put your word on something you use often, like a coffee mug, journal, or phone case.
  • Write it on your mirror or a post-it note at your computer or refrigerator.
  • Use a reminder app on your phone.

-Memorize the verse.

Repeat it often to yourself. Make up a song to sing it if you want.

-Be accountable

Tell someone about your focus and ask them to check in at regular intervals with you to hold you accountable.

Talk with your kids about it —they will keep you accountable and humble! 

-Check in periodically

Journal or have a conversation with someone each month about how your focus is changing your behaviors or mindset for the better.

-Use it as a filter

Sometimes, you may be able to use your focus word as a filter for decision-making to help you live more intentionally. For example, if your word is “steward” and you are trying to decide if it is time to buy a new car, you can ask yourself if a buying a new car at this time would indicate you are being a good steward of your finances.

-Ask God for help

If you felt called to choose a specific word for the year, ask him to reveal why. Ask him to help you focus on that area and live with wisdom.

My 2020 focus word

In 2020, I learned a little more and did better. My focus word was “pray” and my verse was Philippians 4:6-7. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Using many of the tips mentioned above, I did grow stronger in this area. It was not perfection I was seeking, just improvement. I wanted to be more mindful of praying throughout my day because if I waited until bedtime, I usually fell asleep mid-prayer.

My 2021 focus word(s)

Earlier this year, I was thinking about what to focus on for 2021; I had seen a few words that other people had chosen, but felt none of them were quite right for me. I prayed a few times, asking God to show me what he wanted me to focus on.

One day as I was tidying up, a hymn popped into my mind.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness,

And all these things will be added unto you,

Allelu, Alleluia.”

And that was it! My focus for 2021 is “Seek him first,” based on Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This section of the Bible is talking about how we should not worry, but have faith in God and seek him first.

Seek him first… in the morning through my Bible reading.

Seek him first… when I get upset and want to talk to someone.

Seek him first… when worry begins to distract me from my faith.

Seek him first… when I have a big decision to make.

So this will be my focus for this year, and I am looking forward to what God reveals as I make seeking him a priority. 

Are you someone who sets a focus word for the year? I would love to know what your focus word, phrase or verse for 2021 is! Leave a comment and let me know!

Lord, thank you for the blessing of new beginnings. A fresh start is sometimes what we need to refocus on the things that matter most. Please guide and direct us to live with intention in the purpose and calling you have for us. Amen.

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