At the beginning of a new year, we like think about fresh starts, goal setting and focus words. (Sign up to check out my 2020 Goal Setting Worksheets today!) This month, I’ve been encouraging my readers to set themselves up for success. One of my weekly challenges was to “Number Our Days.”
In Psalms 90:12, Moses prayed,
“Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Our time on this earth is limited. In my weekly email, I encouraged us to think of how we might live, how our faith might look, and what we might say to others if we knew our time would soon run out.
Tonight I was having a conversation with my daughter about two girls who got into a fight at school, and then how one of her teachers did something that annoyed her that day. I told her, “Don’t be so easily offended.”
Then the full force of my words bounced back and hit me.
Don’t be so easily offended.
What if we lived, not only as though our days were numbered, but as though their days were numbered? That person who annoys you, the grocery store clerk who seems sad, the aging parent or young child who is testing your patience.
How much brighter would we shine our light? What small irritations might we overlook, instead of being annoyed or saying or writing an angry comment? What fights might we avoid?
Think about a heart of wisdom that comes from numbering our—and their—days. The characteristics of living this way would be the fruit of the spirit. We would have compassion. We would focus on the good, compliment them, smile at them, serve them, and encourage them.
When the car cuts you off in traffic—number their days. Give them space.
When that coworker is rude, again—number his days. Take a deep breath and choose a kind response.
When your child is screaming at the restaurant and everyone is staring—number her days. Use gentleness as you deal with the situation.
When your friend is unresponsive to your last three texts—number her days. Call her and ask if everything is ok.
This may be hard and it will take practice and self-control and humility. But this is what loving our neighbor looks like, as Jesus asks of us.
Let’s choose to number their days. Let’s choose to shine.
Lord, we thank you for the people you have carefully planned to cross our path each day. We pray that you will help us to live as though our days and their days are numbered. Please give us hearts of wisdom. Let your light shine through us in all of our interactions. Amen.
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