This forced disruption of our normal lives has caused many changes, both temporary and permanent.
We may have lost opportunities that we will never be able to go back and experience. Relationships with family may have been renewed or healed. We may have picked up some habits and routines that we want to keep, and some we definitely need to drop. Our business or job may have been lost.
We may just be in survival mode.
Think back to pre-pandemic times. Was your life spinning in a routine that was passively built by habits or events that you didn’t consider the consequences of?
Maybe you didn’t like certain aspects, but it was just how life was.
Change can be hard when we are stuck in a rhythm.
The routine may feel comfortable or unchangeable. We may not pay attention to the design and purpose of our everyday life. Years pass by while we occasionally think, “One day, I’m going to …”, or “Someday I should…”
But now, our rhythms have been disrupted.
A disruption in life can be a catalyst for necessary change.
Before you go back to your “normal” life, consider areas where you might need to pivot. Think about your business or work, daily habits, schedule, finances, etc.
Have your priorities changed?
How has God been speaking to you during the last few weeks?
Some ingredients of your pre-pandemic life may not be worth returning to, and some may be worth leaning into more.
How can you use this forced disruption as a launching point to living a better life?
It may just be a small change, like getting up an hour earlier to have time for yourself, or it may be something that changes your whole legacy, like starting a new business or getting your finances turned around.
I don’t know what your pivot looks like, but I urge you to use this disruption to make positive changes in your life so that you can live more in alignment with your priorities and calling.
This time has been filled with hardships for millions of people, but it is also filled with opportunities to reset, re-examine and redesign our life. How will you make the most of this turning point?
Lord, we thank you for this gift of life. Thank you for your persistence in trying to guide us through it. Please forgive us for ignoring your direction and being complacent in areas you are calling us make to change. Allow us to hear you more clearly and follow your guidance. Please help us to step out of this pandemic with renewed passion and determination to live more purposeful lives. Amen.
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