Live Better

How To Set Goals When You’re Exhausted

Like many, I started out last year strong, hopeful and optimistic…and then life became unexpectedly very rocky. I gave up on my 2021 goals a few months in, and even threw my goal planner out mid-year, too weary and discouraged to even look at it. The year knocked me around […]

Crafting a Desirable Legacy

I recently heard the song, “How They Remember You” by Rascal Flatts and was immediately drawn to its message.  You’re gonna leave a legacy, no matter what you do. It ain’t a question of if they will,  It’s how they remember you. The song made me think about how I […]

A New Year, A New Focus

Choosing an overarching focus for a period of time is a helpful way to be intentional about an area that you want to seek or improve upon. You may use the word as a filter through which you make decisions or prioritize time or tasks.  A focus word is not […]

Setting Goals When You’re Weary and Unmotivated

2020 was a difficult year and it has made a big impact on all of us. Some have struggled, while others have thrived. Many worked jobs that became extremely stressful, while others lost their jobs. Some people’s lives were turned upside down, while it was merely inconvenient for others. If […]

Turning Toward Sin One Yes at a Time

The road to sin or misconduct typically isn’t a 90 degree turn. Someone doesn’t just wake up one morning and think,  “I’m going to try cocaine today,”  “Gaining 50 pounds sounds like a good plan—I’ll get started on that today,” “I think I will cheat on my spouse today,” “Maxing […]

Building a Better Life With Margins

This crazy year has taught me how important it is for us to build margins into our life. We need margin to help smooth out the rough patches of life. Margin is increased when we act as a good steward of the blessings and resources that God has given us, […]

Preparing For Adversity

“I can’t do it! It’s too hard!” My four-year-old daughter wailed as I encouraged her to buckle the straps in her car seat. I urged her not to give up and cheered when she persevered and snapped the buckle into place. Sometimes I feel like God is cheering us on […]

8 Ways to Combat Weariness

“I’m so weary.”  I’ve heard this phrase repeated countless times over the past few weeks, and I’ve felt the heaviness each time from the person saying it. We are tired, stressed and worn out. Negative news reports, uncertainty and loss bombards us each day. We may try to put up […]

Mid-Year Reset

In January when we set our goals and focus word or verse, we had no idea how far off the rails this year would go. But, God knew. My focus verse for 2020 is Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, […]

Expanding Empathy Through Education

It breaks my heart to see the condition of our world today. The racial injustices, the divisiveness, the anger and violence, the senseless murders and the loss of our officers trying to keep the peace–these events lay heavy on my heart, as they do for many. I watched Emmanuel Acho’s […]