Preparing For Adversity

“I can’t do it! It’s too hard!” My four-year-old daughter wailed as I encouraged her to buckle the straps in her car seat. I urged her not to give up and cheered when she persevered and snapped the buckle into place.

Sometimes I feel like God is cheering us on in much the same way as we struggle through challenges that build resilience within us.

No one wants to experience adverse or difficult events, but they will always be a part of life for us. Jesus even guarantees it. In John 16:33 NIV, Jesus tells us, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Other bible translations use these words: suffering, tribulation and difficulty.

If you knew a food shortage was coming, what would you do? You would likely stock up on non-perishable groceries, plant a garden or maybe buy some livestock. 

If a hurricane was headed your way, you would board up your windows, save your most precious things and possibly flee to avoid risking your life.

In the same way, there are things we can do to prepare for unexpected trouble that will occur in our life. 

Walk closer to God. 

Our strength to face and persevere through tough times will come from God, but we can’t wait until we “need him” to seek a relationship with him. We need him as much in the good times as we do in the difficult times. Investing time with God daily is necessary for us to become the best, most holy version of ourselves. This relationship will lead us to live our most fulfilling life, even in the face of adversity.

Build in margins. 

When we have margins in our life, a speed bump isn’t as likely to become a road block. Build up margin in your finances by spending less than you make, by saving an emergency fund, and by not having consumer debt. Increase margin in your schedule by not overcommitting to unnecessary drains on your time, or getting help when you need it. Gain margin with your health by caring well for yourself (eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, etc.) so that an unforeseen stressful situation is not “the last straw”, either emotionally or physically.

Plan ahead. 

Having the right insurance and legal documents in place will be invaluable in the event of a tragedy. For insurance, consider term life, disability, health, property and possibly an umbrella liability policy. Consult with an attorney about legal documents to consider drafting, including a will, power of attorney, medical power of attorney, and healthcare directive. If you have a sizable estate, you may need to meet with an estate planning attorney to plan the best way to leave your accumulated wealth to your heirs. Safely keep a record of all of your financial accounts and passwords. Check your beneficiaries on your retirement and life insurance accounts as life changes occur, or at least every 5-10 years, to make sure they are current.

Build relationships. 

We are designed to live in community and serve one another in love. I encourage you to plug in to a good church, make an effort to invest in real friendships and care for those in need around you. With these relationships in place, you are in a better position to help others and are more likely to have help when you need it.

Take “safe” risks. 

If we are accustomed to taking some calculated risks, failure becomes more commonplace and may lessen the blow of a larger failure. Try starting a side business on a small scale, running the race you’ve been thinking about, or practicing a new skill. You’ll either succeed at something you’ve always wanted to do, or fail trying. Failure builds resilience; the more we can actively strengthen that muscle, the stronger we’ll be when we need to use it.

We know we will face trials, so let’s take intentional steps in the good times to prepare for the bad times. With wise preparation and support, we are more likely to make it through adversity with greater resilience, peace and strength. 

We build character in the valleys, yes. But if we have a guide rope and some tools with us when we reach the valley, the climb back up the mountain will be a little easier.

Lord, thank you for the valleys that help us to appreciate the mountaintops so much more. We know we will face trials in our life and we pray for perseverance to make it through as we rely on your steadfast faithfulness. Thank you for walking beside us and giving us strength. May we seek you each day as we navigate life’s ups and downs, and may all that we do glorify you. Amen.

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Cover photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash


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