The Necessity of Self-Care

Do you remember your first vehicle? Mine was an old Ford Ranger. Boy, I loved the freedom that this vehicle brought me. I grew up in a rural area 30 minutes away from the town where I went to high school and where all of my friends lived. The truck transported me to my friends, to school, to basketball practice, and to my job. 

However, that truck was also a huge responsibility. I had to get the oil changed regularly. I took it to the shop to get its belts, brakes and tires checked and replaced. And this truck, in particular, could not hold antifreeze. Every few days, I would have to refill it. That was a bit inconvenient, but I wanted that vehicle to last as long as possible, so I maintained it as best I could. Until I wrecked it, but that’s another story. 🙂

Just like our vehicles, responsible self-care is required for our maintenance and well being. It is not a guilty pleasure, nor is it neglectful to those around you.  It benefits those around you because it keeps you in optimal shape. It helps you maintain your sanity, health and strength.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed but the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2 ESV

God wants our bodies to be “holy and acceptable”, not run down and unhealthy. He wants our minds to be renewed, not stressed out. But for many of us, especially after becoming a parent, we start to associate self-care with being selfish and have feelings of guilt about it. We may even think time spent away from caring for our children equates to us not loving them as much as we should. 

This mindset can take a toll. No matter what you are disregarding your health in favor of–whether it’s a baby, a job, a volunteer commitment, etc.–self-neglect is not a loving sacrifice. It can have detrimental, unintended consequences to you, as well as those around you.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 ESV

God wants us to be well and live a life of abundance. If we are not faithful to care for what He entrusts to us (including our bodies and minds), how can we be entrusted with more?

Don’t let the “thief” steal your wellness and joy through your busyness. When our schedules are overflowing, we cannot hear God whisper His calling, and we don’t have the capacity to follow His purpose for our lives. Even God scheduled a full day of rest when He created the earth, and He commands us to rest on the Sabbath as well.

When we are too busy to go on a date with our spouse, or so stressed that we often snap at our kids, our relationships suffer. When we don’t make time to exercise, our body suffers. When we don’t get enough sleep, our focus and concentration suffers and our patience runs thin. Our light is dimmed by the toll that self-neglect causes. This is not the abundant life that God promises.

Self-care can take many different forms. It can be a quiet bath at the end of a long, stressful day. It may be working out or drinking a healthy smoothie each morning. It may look like a weekend away with your friends. It might mean making an appointment with a counselor to deal with issues from your past. It can look like ordering a pizza one night so that you can go to bed at 9:00 instead of staying up later to clean dirty dinner dishes. It may be saying no to a request to serve on a committee because you know your schedule doesn’t have capacity for it. It may be waking up 15 minutes earlier to a quiet house in order to read your Bible each day. Maybe it looks like creating some white space in your life so that you can hear and follow God’s calling.

Your self-care as a 25-year-old new parent may look different from that of a 45-year-old business executive. Whatever stage of life you are in, taking care of yourself is vital. Much like my old Ford Ranger, you cannot effectively serve others if you are neglecting your maintenance. Regardless of your situation, you can live better by making time for those things that will renew your body, mind and spirit. The abundant life that God promises starts with you.

Lord, we thank you for the body, mind and spirit you have given to us. Your design was beautiful and we are so grateful. Please help us to better care for this gift you have given us. Amen.


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