When Busyness Dims Your Light

Many of us are in a busy stage of life. Some people thrive on a busy schedule, while others are overwhelmed by it. When we have no white space in our lives, it can be hard to obey when God calls us to do something. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus says, “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” He doesn’t ask us to shine if we have time.

No matter what our calendar looks like, we are called to shine our light. We can always have a positive impact on others’ lives if we are intentional about it.

Some people shine their light in grand gestures, like starting a nonprofit organization that digs water wells in Africa. For others, it looks more like teaching your kids about generosity as they earn $12 at their lemonade stand to donate. Others shine through their smile and kind words to the cashier or to their kids each day.

If you are feeling too busy to take a breath, much less let your light shine the way God intended, read on for some points to consider as you try to “live as children of light” as God calls us to do in Ephesians 5:8.


If you feel stressed out, overscheduled and exhausted, it’s time to reassess your schedule. You cannot shine the way God wants you to from this overwhelmed frame of mind. 

Consider why you are so busy. Are there any activities or responsibilities that can be postponed, eliminated, or delegated? Are there blocks of time that are not being used wisely? We have to think creatively to find ways to work smarter, not harder. 

Remember your and your family’s priorities and goals and evaluate your schedule through that lens. Ask God for wisdom, and then trim the activities that aren’t serving God, you or your family well. It may be that you need to quit those activities altogether, or it may be that you should pause them for a season.


We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be the best at everything. We feel we must do it all, and do it perfectly. We must have a clean house at all times.  We strive to be an amazing parent by giving our kids every opportunity to be involved in activities they show any interest in. We want to volunteer for everything. 

This pressure is accompanied by guilt when we fail to live up to our expectations. Give yourself some grace, and release your need to do it all. No one can do it all. Acknowledge your life stage, and accept that some things that you hold tightly to may need to be loosened for a season. 

Release your need to control the people around you.

Release your desire for perfection.

Release the comparisons.

If you have young children, your house may not look pristine at all times, and that’s ok. If you work full time, you may not be able to prepare a homemade dinner each weeknight while juggling other evening activities.

We can’t work ourselves to a point of stress, exhaustion and burnout trying to hit those unrealistic targets of perfection in all aspects of life. It’s ok to release some control and unrealistic expectations. Set your priorities for what really has to be done each day.


I was recently reminded (and gently convicted) about keeping the Sabbath day holy. It is one of God’s ten commandments to us–in the same list as not murdering someone. This should tell us how much God values the Sabbath. Even God himself took a day of rest after creating the earth. He knew how we would try to fill our lives and had the foresight to order a day off for all of us. 

What is a day of Sabbath, though? Is it a day to spend shopping at the mall? A day to catch up on your latest Netflix binge, or watch football games all day? While that sounds fun and those aren’t bad activities, I don’t think devoting the whole Sabbath day to them is what God intended for us.

In Exodus 20:8-10, God says “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.” To keep the day holy means to keep the day God-centered. We are to focus on, delight in, and worship the Lord on our Sabbath day. Consider this as a general guideline. How you spend your Sabbath is between you and God.

If you don’t regularly keep the Sabbath holy, why not? We honor God and show our trust in Him when we obey this law. What might you be valuing above Him when you don’t obey this commandment?

What a loving God to build in a day of rest for us. Our mind needs time to renew. When we are stretched too thin, we are more likely to become impatient and snap at others–especially those closest to us, unfortunately. Our body needs time to rest. Our spirit needs time to reconnect with God and space to receive guidance. By intentionally focusing on Him on the Sabbath, we draw nearer to Him, gaining strength and wisdom. We can more readily shine our light from a renewed spirit.


Think about yesterday for a few minutes. Reflect on the people you talked to or saw. Now, with each of those interactions, replay the scene in your mind, but this time think about how you could have infused your light into that interaction. How you could have made a more positive impact on the people who crossed your path throughout the day?

For example, maybe you got up, went to the gym, came home to get your kids up and ready for school, dropped them off and drove through Starbucks on your way to work. For my example, I’ll stop here, but I really want you to replay your whole day. 

So, you went to the gym first. You could have greeted the front desk person with a smile and a “good morning!”. If you went to a class, you could have helped set up equipment for the person who came in right before class started or encouraged someone you saw struggling. You could have thanked the instructor or your trainer. You could have greeted or waved to a familiar face. You could have wished the front desk person a good day as you left.

Back at home, you could wake up your kids with a song. You could greet them and your spouse with a hug. Could they tell you were happy to see them? How could you be more gentle and kind to them? What could you have done to not lose your temper trying to get everyone out the door?

At Starbucks, you could smile at the barrista. You could have paid for the coffee for the person in line behind you. You could have picked up a coffee for your coworker or friend.

If you reflect on your day and imagine all the ways you could have made a positive impact, even in a small way, you will be more likely to do these things the next time. You’ve envisioned it–now make it a reality.


Ultimately, we are responsible for what we allow to rule our calendar. We get to choose how we will react to life’s demands. When we reassess our schedule, release the pressure, rest as God desires, and reflect on ways to shine brighter in our real life, we will be more equipped to let our light shine before others to glorify our Father in heaven.

Choose to shine your way, in your stage of life, however you are able.

Lord, thank you for giving us a life full of amazing blessings. Thank you for our passions, interests and obligations that fulfill us. We ask for your guidance as we set our schedules. Help us to be obedient to you and not to overwhelm ourselves with needless busyness that doesn’t serve you. Amen.

If you would like tips on how to shine in a busy season of life, click HERE to sign up to receive my guide, 7 Ways to Shine in the Midst of a Busy Life.


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